ACIM T-Int.1/2.1-4, Introduction

1. 1This is a course in miracles. 2It is a required course. 3Only the time you take it is voluntary. 4Free will does not mean that you can establish the curriculum.

I always thought that “free will” meant anything in the world…but here, it makes it a fact that “free will” does not mean that you can establish the curriculum. The curriculum came from another Source, another Light (notice big S in Source, and L in Light). And, it is only right, since it is a “required” course. But, you have free will, but you have to take it, which means this lifetime, or the next lifetime, you will have to take it.

1. 8The opposite of love is fear, but what is all-encompassing can have no opposite.

2. 1This course can therefore be summed up very simply in this way:

2Nothing real can be threatened. 3Nothing unreal exists. 4Herein lies the peace of God.

I love this passage. I am at home with this, because I am One with the Holy Spirit. I am One with the God. Illusions are unreal, and if we are here, we are an ego, we are unreal. But, I don’t include my self in this, because “Nothing real can be threatened.” I am not threatened because I am One with God, because I am One with the Holy Spirit, because I am One with Jesus…

Rev. Dave

My Forgiveness

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